Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my new blog. At the behest of my homie Phlip, I finally got a blog together. Now of course it's gonna be my thoughts on various items I feel like. So to start off my first official blog, it's my thoughts on the Sprite Step-Off Competition that was co-posted on Phlip's spot earlier this month.
So please read and enjoy.
A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled across a Youtube video where the Sprite Step-Off Competition Sorority Division shows the team that won.
Here’s the video:
Go ahead and take 10 minutes to take a look.
Watched it? Good. Ok, I have to say that was extremely impressive!! Now they won and because of that, ALL of the so-called “Divine Nine” (that’s what they call themselves, seriously) Sororities are up in ARMs that a white sorority from the University of Arkansas won.
Apparently, about a week later, there was a “scoring discrepancy” and they made the runner-up team (I don’t care about who they are) co-first place winners.
Really??? Seriously??
So let me get this straight: because a white sorority OUT-STEPPED all of the “Divine Nine” then they come up with a fake error and award a black sorority co-winners out of what sympathy?? Something smells rotten to me. I’ve seen some of the comments not only on that video but elsewhere that talked about this, and the only thing I can liken it to be is the exact same hatred and racism as the fraternities and sororities that denied black folks all those years ago. And now because you all think that because stepping is done in mostly black frats & sorors that a white team has no place?? Again, I say: “REALLY????”
There’s more hatred going on here than anything that the KKK could ever do.
Look, the bottom line is this: All you black sororities got seriously OUT-STEPPED!!! No more, no less. These white girls put it down and did better than anyone gave them credit for. This should be a message to you Deltas, Alphas, and whatever other “Divine Nine” Sorority I forgot to mention, to STEP YA DAMN GAME UP and DO NEW STUFF!!!!
Now I know plenty of people and family members that are in Frats & Sorors. If it works for them, cool. But as far as I (and apparently many others) have seen, what real purpose do they serve?
Now, Brother Phlip emailed me a list that breaks down the difference between gangs and these “Divine Nine”. After I read it, the only real difference I can see is that these are gangs for the “educated Negroes”.
I don’t know…. Maybe I see things different from most others, but you tell me.
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